Authors |
Mitina Antonina Olegovna, Postgraduate student, Penza State University (40, Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Abstract |
Background. The work purpose – to consider information technology development in terms of their influence on institute of constitutional rights of the person. The globality and relevance of the studied problem is confirmed by permanently growing threats and calls which it is necessary to face at realization of human rights and their protection. Harder and harder, and at times it is also impossible, becomes to find balance between freedom of an individual person and safety of the state in general.
Materials and methods. Realization of research tasks was reached on the basis of studying and the analysis of statistical information, consideration of normative legal acts of the Russian Federation and other countries regulating the rights and freedoms of the person and the citizen. The methodological basis of a research includes methods of the comparative and legal and historical and legal analysis: the international acts and acts of the Russian Federation are considered and analysed.
Results. In this article the international approach to a question of realization of human rights in the conditions of digitalization of society is analysed, the existing collisions are analysed. It is noted that along with the existing human rights affirmed in the Constitution under the influence of information technology development, new types of the rights which in the short term by all means will find fixing in acts of federal level are formed. By consideration of the matter it is realized any political assessment to the introduced restrictions and sanctions as it is a subject of a separate research was avoided.
Conclusions. Realization of democratic values is impossible without granting the broad right to information and exchange of it, without the right for open expression of own opinion, but often granting is broad a circle of the rights without implementation of due control from the state and international institutes risks to turn back global threat of world safety. In many respects it is complicated by the fact that despite global digitalization of society the level of information literacy of the population continues to remain extremely low. In this regard the special importance is found by the actions directed to education of the population, carrying out scheduled maintenance with the younger generation which is in group of the increased risk.
Key words |
human rights, information technologies, Russia, Constitution, constitutional rights, influence
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